Software Support FAQs

NB: The Resources page has additional software information. View here.

How many activations are available with JAWS / ZoomText / OpenBook licences?

To stop a copy of JAWS, ZoomText, Fusion or OpenBook coming up running as a 40 minute demonstration version, you need to activate or license the program. Each single user license, which is what a home user would most commonly have, allows you to do this up to 3 times. You are allowed to have a copy of your software on more than 1 computer.


How do I reset my activations for JAWS/ZoomText?

If you’re activating or licensing a copy of JAWS, ZoomText, Fusion or OpenBook and receive an error 106, your activations have all been used. This is something we can fix fairly quickly. This process is free.
You will not need to buy another copy of the software. Just contact us with your serial number and we can organize to reset the activations. This will give you 3 activations again. This reset will not erase any licenses you already have on other computers.

Please email us or call 1300 883 853 for further assistance.

I want to try out JAWS, ZoomText Fusion, ZoomText Magnifier or ZoomText Magnifier Screen Reader before I purchase. Are there options available?

Yes, you can try the software via a 40 minute trial mode to determine whether it is the right product for you. Download a licence from - to access the 40 minute trial mode. 


How can I find my JAWS Serial Number?

Please follow this two step process to find your serial number.
Step 1. Press the Jaws Key + J. The Jaws Key is either the Insert key on the number pad or Caps Lock if using the laptop keyboard layout.
Step 2. Go to the help menu and arrow down to "About JAWS" and press Enter. The serial number will be displayed. If you get a serial number of 801 this means the product is not authorised.

How can I find my ZoomText Serial Number?

Please follow these four steps to find your serial number.
Step 1. Make sure ZoomText is running.
Step 2. Open the main ZoomText window (aka the “ZoomText User Interface”.)
Step 3. Click “Help” at the far right of the menu bar at the top of the window.
Step 4. Click “About ZoomText” which is the last item in this menu. The serial number should be near the middle of the window along with the version. Below this information will be the registration details i.e. who it is registered to and company name.

How can I find my Fusion Serial Number?

Please follow these five steps to find your serial number.
Step 1. Make sure Fusion is running .
Step 2. Open the main Fusion window (aka the “Fusion User Interface”.) Shortcut key is Capslock +Ctrl+U.
Step 3. Click “Fusion” on the top left of the User Interface, or press Alt+F to bring up the Fusion menu.
Step 4. Click “About Fusion”, or press “F” and then enter, to open the About Fusion window. The serial number is the 4th item on the   list. This will also give you the version number you are running. You can press the Tab key to move through the items and have them read aloud.
Step 5. Press Esc or select the Close button to exit the window.

I'm trying install my JAWS/ZT licence and it will not come out of 40 minute mode. How do I install it?

We recommend that you uninstall JAWS from your device, then reinstall the download with your Serial Number and 20 digit authorisation code from
If following these instructions does not work for you, please contact us via email or call 1300 883 853 for assistance.


How do I upgrade my licence to the current version? How much does it cost?

To upgrade your licence please email or call 1300 883 853 for a licence upgrade quotation. You will receive instructions on how to upgrade your software version and we offer software support for all of our customers.


What is the difference between home and professional software licenses? 

The “Home License” is limited to use by a single End User only and is limited to your personal and non-commercial use. While, under the Home License, the Program may be installed on more than one workstation, terminal or device (“Computer”) and the License Activated on up to three Computers, use of the Program is limited to only one Computer at a time and not concurrently on more than one Computer or by more than one End User at a time. The Term of the Home License is perpetual unless otherwise stated in the License. You will receive all Updates that Freedom makes generally commercially available during the Term of your Home License; provided however, unless You purchase a separate software maintenance agreement for the Program from Freedom as provided in Section 1.3, You will not receive any Upgrades.

The “Professional License” is for use by a single End User. While the Program may be installed on more than one Computer and the License Activated on up to three Computers, use of the Program is limited to only one Computer at a time and not concurrently on more than one Computer or by more than one End User at a time. You are permitted to use the Program on Your own Computer or a Computer of Your employer (if your employer purchased the Program for You), but only for Your own personal use or for the internal business use of Your employer. Unless specifically provided otherwise in an ordering document, the Term of a Professional License is perpetual. Your rights as an individual End User immediately terminate when Your employment or contract with the ends (if the program was purchased by your employer on your behalf), or the License is otherwise terminated as provided in this EULA. During the Term of the Professional License: (i) you will receive all Updates that Freedom makes generally commercially available, but (ii) you will not receive any Upgrades unless you purchase a separate software maintenance agreement for the Program from Licensor as provided in Section 1.3.

For additional clarity around home vs professional licenses, refer to the Freedom Scientific website:

What headphones do you recommend for JAWS and FUSION?

We generally recommend using headsets with a USB connection, which work well with the JAWS split audio feature, rather than Bluetooth headsets.

For example the Jabra H4Connect, works well and is fairly comfortable.

Can a Duxbury licence be transferred?

If you are thinking of transferring your license to another user, contact customer service at, we can check eligibility and assist you with the process