John with his OrCam, funded by NDIS

The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme run by the Australian Government through the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

Who is eligible for the NDIS?

The NDIS is for Australians aged under 65, who have permanent and significant disability. The scheme can provide you with choice and control over supports and services to help you in your daily life.


How do I get started & am I eligible?

The NDIA has an access checklist tool to enable you to check your own eligibility.
Step 1: Check your eligibility 
Step 2:  Go to & complete the NDIS How to Apply and NDIS Access Request Form.on the NDIS website & submit your application.

What are the next steps after I receive my NDIS Funding Approval?

Once you have received confirmation of your approval for NDIS funding and are ready to prepare for your first planning meeting, contact us to arrange an appointment to trial and select the assistive technology most suitable for your individual requirements. 

Working with Quantum and NDIS Funding

We offer support across Core, Capital (Assistive Technology) and Capacity Building budget areas in your NDIS Plan.

Quantum will support you to work towards your goals and work closely with you and your Occupational Therapist (OT) or allied health professional to choose the most effective assistive technology for your needs. 

We also collaborate closely with eye care professionals (ophthalmology and optometry practices) and vision support agencies such as Vision Australia,  VisAbility, Guide Dogs, and the Royal Society for the Blind.

The unique challenges relating to vision loss and our 30 years plus experience in low vision, blindness and learning disability technology products, Quantum will support your OT or allied health professional Assessor with a range of assistive technology products to assist with developing skills to improve daily living tasks, such as reading.

We offer the following specialist services:

  • Assistive Technology personalised assessment and consultation to select the most appropriate assistive technology equipment for your goals.
  • Assistive Technology Product training packages to support using the technology with activities and tasks in your day to day life.
  • Consumables for purchase of everyday items such as magnifiers and software upgrades.
  • Ongoing after sales support for software and hardware technology
  • Short term trials of assistive technology equipment for up to two weeks; which in some cases may be required as part of the NDIS assessment process.

For further information on NDIS  refer to Assistive Technology and Assistive Technology guidelines here.

What’s in a NDIS plan, and what do the Support Categories mean?

Your plan will have important information related to your short and long term goals, your budget categories and your budget amounts. Your plan will also assist you to make decisions about how you can use your approved funding and what process you will need to follow according to how you are managing your funds. 

There are three support categories in NDIS plans.
Core: This is funding that can be used for low-cost assistive technology and equipment to improve independence and/or mobility.

Capital: This is funding that can be used for supports that form an investment. This budget area includes all Assistive Technology that assists a person to live independently.

Capacity Building: This funding is focused on development and training to increase your skills to enable participation in community, social and recreational activities. This includes funding under improved daily living skills where you may have funding allocated for assessments and training to increase your independence.

How do I pay Quantum for products and services?

  • If your NDIS Plan is self-managed, invoices will be sent directly to you.
  • If your NDIS Plan is Plan-Managed, we will send invoices to your nominated Plan Manager, who will pay them on your behalf.
  • If your NDIS Plan is NDIA managed, the NDIA, will arrange with Quantum to pay them on your behalf.

Where can I find more information about the NDIS?

You can find more information on the NDIS website. Visit www.ndis.gov.au or call the National Disability Insurance Agency on 1800 800 110 between 8am and 8pm (EST) weekdays. Monday to Friday or email enquiries@ndis.gov.au


Hear from some of our customers

Read John's story.

Read Gary's story.

Reaching your goals


How do I Contact Quantum?