Helpful Links

The following links are to a variety of organisations, support groups, and services that you might find useful. If you would like to advertise your Support Group or organisation on this page, please contact us.

Vision Australia

Vision Australia is a leading national provider of blindness and low vision services in Australia. Vision Australia creates equal opportunity, so people who are blind or have low vision can get an education, get a job and be as independent as they choose. They do this through 28 Vision Australia centres in Victoria, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia; 30 clinics; and through outreach programs in the Northern Territory and Tasmania.

Macular Disease Foundation Australia

Macular Disease Foundation Australia is the national peak body representing the interests of the 8.5m Australians living with or at risk of macular disease and their families.

Our purpose is to reduce the incidence and impact of macular disease through leadership in prevention and early detection, disease management, advocacy, and research. We work collaboratively and in partnership with our community, health professionals, researchers, and government to minimise the impact of macular disease.

Glaucoma Australia 

Glaucoma Australia provides sight-saving advocacy, education, and practical and mental support for people with glaucoma and their families as well as funding ground-breaking research to improve treatments outcomes. Glaucoma Australia helps people with glaucoma get detected early and to adhere to their treatment management plan to prevent irreversible sight loss and improve their quality of life.  

Link Vision Queensland 

Disabilities Info Centre

The Charles Bonnet Syndrome Foundation

The Foundation draws attention to this unusual perceptual disorder that affects many vision-impaired people. Despite being relatively common, CBS remains virtually unknown in medical and health care settings. Apart from attempting to raise its clinical profile, the Foundation's primary focus is to offer support services to and for CBS-affected people.

Independent Options for Mobility

Is an independent, innovative and flexible provider of Orientation and Mobility (O&M) and Travel Training services.

Download a referral form here: IOM Referral Form

Providing services for:

People with functional mobility limitations related to vision loss, acquired brain injury, cognitive disability, physical disability or learning disability.

A guide for travellers with vision impairment including useful traveling tips, rights for the visually impaired and other additional resources.


eBility is a one-stop accessible marketplace for buying and selling disability and aged care related items.